The Height of Summer is Peak Flea Season
If you have a pet – whether it’s a dog or a cat – you will be only too aware of the need to keep up with appropriate flea treatments. We’ve all heard the saying that prevention is better than cure, and that’s definitely the case when it comes to fleas. Small they may be, but they certainly make up for it in terms of what they can do in your home.
Why are fleas more prevalent at this time of year, though? Well, there are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, they tend to be greater in numbers when the weather is warm. In addition, your cat or dog will very likely go outside more often than they would in the winter. (Who can blame them?) If you have a cat or a dog that loves nothing better than to lay out in the sun on a warm day, you essentially have a carrier who will make it more likely that fleas will get into your home. The more time they spend outside, the more chance there is that fleas will hitch a ride inside.
The good news is the regular good-quality flea treatments you can get from your vet should ensure fleas will die as soon as they hitch that ride on your pet. However, if you don’t keep up with those treatments, there is a chance the fleas will survive and start causing problems in your home.
If this did happen, they could easily and quickly reproduce. It is possible for a female flea to lay as many as 50 eggs every single day – and since she could live to 100 days, that’s a lot of potential new fleas to worry about (and that’s only one flea).
So while you can treat your pet if you see fleas present or you suspect they are there because your pet is constantly scratching, you may not necessarily see the infestation that is gradually taking hold in your home. Make sure you get expert advice on getting rid of the infestation you may have. A good sign is red itchy bite marks around your ankles, as these are caused by fleas jumping up for a meal.
The good news is an infestation can be controlled and eradicated, but you may well need professional help to ensure you get the best possible result at this time.