Watch Out for Wasp Nests
From March to May we get our first few signs of wasps awakening for the summer season ahead. Hibernation ends for the young queen wasps and that signals a period of time from June onwards that heralds something we all dread – wasp nests.
We all see wasps during the summer months but it doesn’t necessarily mean you will have a nest nearby. You may just see one or two wasps around your garden for example; this is not a sign to start worrying. You only need to be concerned if you see lots of them in one place.
Does this mean you have a nest nearby?
Even then, a lot of wasps in one area doesn’t necessarily equate to a nest on your property. Wasps need food and it could be there is a tasty source of it nearby. They’re not daft – if you give them a food source, even unwittingly, they will make the most of it.
However it could also mean you do have a wasp nest nearby. Oftentimes the queen wasp will find a hole leading into a roof that acts as the ideal place to establish her home. This isn’t always the case though – there are lots of places outdoors in your garden that could be home to a wasp nest.
Looking for a wasp nest
As such it makes sense to know what the more likely hidey-holes are so you can look around for them. Obviously it’s best not to poke around with a stick or you could upset the wasps in situ.
Instead, watch where the wasps tend to go for a while. As you watch you will start to understand their behaviour. This will make life easier for you as you can narrow down the possibilities. You might even find the likely nest location within minutes if you see enough wasps going in and out of a general area – or even the nest itself.
Don’t assume the nest is always easy to see either. If it is located in the rafters of your roof you will see them going in there. However if they have decided to set up home underground or in a tree surrounded by a number of other trees, it will be harder to figure out where they are.
Don’t forget – it is never a good idea to tackle a nest on your own. Call the experts in instead so you can enjoy your summer without any hassle.