Will You Bring Home More Than a Tan This Year?
We all know the thrill of going on holiday, enjoying a completely different location for a week or two – perhaps even in another country.
But wherever you go, you always have to return home again. Mostly you’ll come back with pleasant memories and perhaps the urge to book again next year. However, we don’t think you would want to bring anything else home – especially not if that something is bed bugs.
You might think the odds of this would be long, and you would be right. However, there is a slim chance this could happen, as it does to a few unfortunate individuals each year. While you can get bed bugs at any time of the year, it does happen more frequently during the summer. This is purely because it is possible to bring them back from guest accommodation that has not been properly or thoroughly cleaned.
So what do you do – and how can you tell you have bed bugs in the first place?
The main sign is waking up with small bites, especially on your arms and shoulders. If these were not there the night before, the chances are you may have bed bugs in your bedding and/or mattress. Of course, it’s possible to get bitten by other insects during the night. However, watch out for a line of bites, as this is a classic sign of bed bugs being present.
The best way to get rid of bed bugs is to call in the experts. The last thing you should do is to panic and get rid of all your bedding. Even though you may have to do this, you should seal it all in plastic prior to taking it out of the room. Bed bugs can be pretty persistent, and if you drag your duvet down the stairs to put it in a hot wash, you’ll transfer all the bugs out of the bedroom, onto the stairs… and you get the idea.
Sometimes a mattress may have to be ditched completely and a new one bought. This can often be the only way to get rid of them completely. The same applies to a divan, unfortunately. But getting professional advice will ensure you tackle the problem fully and in a way that means you will get rid of every last bed bug you are unfortunate enough to have.