How Much Do You Know About Cockroaches?
If you watch American television, you’ll have heard of cockroaches. But you rarely hear of them in the UK. Does that mean we can breathe a sigh of relief, safe in the knowledge they don’t exist in this country?
Actually, no. It is possible your property has cockroaches and you aren’t even aware of it. Like some other insects, rodents and pests, they are nocturnal. That means they may not appear during the day, and if you do see one in the daytime, it could point to an infestation.
There are two species of cockroach that are common in the UK. Ironically, both are named after other parts of the world. Firstly, we have the German cockroach, and secondly, there is the Oriental cockroach. It’s rare to see them during the day, but you may see signs they are there. Since they don’t clean up after themselves, the unpleasant sight of their droppings can indicate their presence.
Experts in dealing with infestations will look for the presence of droppings when assessing a property. They’ll look for the type of droppings present, as well as the volume. It’s not a pleasant task, but it will reveal the likely level of infestation that could be present. You too can look out for what looks like spilled black pepper. This could be the droppings of small cockroaches. Bigger ones get rid of bigger droppings, as you’d expect – longer and larger in nature, like mouse droppings.
While some pests can be controlled and got rid of by the homeowner, cockroaches aren’t recommended to be tackled in this manner. Instead, if you suspect your property may have cockroaches, call in an expert to see if this is the case. We have traps and baits we use to catch cockroaches and evidence of their presence. Once we know what we are dealing with, we can kill the roaches with an appropriate insecticide.
Depending on the severity of the infestation, it can take a while to gain control over it. Cleanliness is very important – the cleaner your home is, the fewer opportunities you will give the roaches to seek out food sources. We’re not just talking about crumbs on the floor either – they will literally eat anything. That’s why it is best to call in the experts when you think you have cockroaches at your business premises or at home. It’s the best way to combat them.