Bed bugs and how to get rid of bed bugs
Of all the blood-sucking insects that bite humans for blood, bed bugs and bed bugs bites are the ones that customers are most worried about. People don’t want to know the fancy name for bed bugs, Cimex lectularuis: they just want to know how to get rid of bed bugs! To do this you need to know the basics of where they come from and a bit about their biology and behaviour.
What do bed bugs look like? Adult bedbugs look like apple pips, round and oval, but younger bed bugs are paler and some are so small that you cannot see them properly. Bed bugs are crawling insects and hide in gaps, cracks and crevices so they could be lurking in the background without you knowing they are there, even when you look for bed bugs.
How do you get bed bugs? They hitch-hike on items that get moved from place to place, like furniture and luggage. A guest can bring them in to your house, you could pick them up in a hotel or communal area. A second-hand bed or settee could harbour them. We saw a particularly bad case with a settee that was crawling with bed bugs that we had to get rid of bed bugs in Perth for. We had to get rid of bed bugs in Dundee for a lady who had brought them back in her luggage in holiday and we had to get rid of bed bugs in Dunfermline in Fife when they were picked up in a gym changing room. Sometimes the bed bugs infestation is so long-standing that it is impossible to work out the source but if you can then it helps to avoid getting bedbugs again.
What is bed bugs treatment? There are bed bugs pesticide and bed bugs spray and advice on how to kill bed bugs available on the internet. Unfortunately, it is not a simple matter of a quick spray to get rid of a bed bugs infestation because of several things.
- The bed bugs could be hidden away, unseen, in many different places or things.
- They can live for a year without feeding on blood.
- A female bed bug lays 2-5 every EVERY DAY: the eggs take about 10 days to hatch out so they are a bit like a time bomb ticking away in the background, waiting to explode in to life!
- Bed bugs develop resistance to insecticides quite quickly and some are already resistant.
- Not all things that bedbugs might be hiding in can be treated with insecticides and so thorough ‘house-keeping’ by you is needed for bed bugs infestation.
- Bed bugs in the bed and bed bugs mattress can be a persistent source of bed bugs bites.
We see many customers who have been trying to get rid of bed bugs themselves and all the time the problem has simply been getting worse.
It really is best to get professional pest control advice about bed bugs, bed bug control and how to get rid of bed bugs in Perth & Kinross. We provide professional pest control advice about bed bugs, bed bug control and how to get rid of bed bugs in Dundee and Fife too. We can advise you on the best house-keeping methods to use and provide bed bug control using professional-use insecticides.
Contact us for bed bug control and how to get rid of bed bugs.