Have You Come Up Against Flying Ants Yet?
Ants can be a real inconvenience. If you have a nest anywhere near your home, you can end up with them indoors day after day.
And then, of course, you have the hassle of flying ants to contend with each year. We’re in the prime part of the year now for these to become known, since they tend to start showing up throughout July and August. In a sense, then, their period of activity is quite small compared to some other pests, but that doesn’t make them any less frustrating to deal with.
Some of these ants appear to be much larger than regular ants – and yet in reality they are simply regular ants that have grown wings at some point in the normal mating season. The bigger ones tend to be the females, but this is of no real concern to people who find themselves bothered by them. They’re ants, they’re airborne and they are a hassle.
A short-term problem
The good news is you shouldn’t be bothered by swarms of them locally for a long period of time. They very often only swarm for a day or so. If you find your garden is subjected to a deluge of them, the best bet is simply to stay inside if you can until it passes.
Don’t forget that while they are small in the grand scheme of things, if the overall swarm is big enough, it can stop major events from taking place too, if there are enough of them to bother groups of people.
What should you do if they get indoors?
This is perhaps the most challenging situation to be faced with. If you come up against ants inside your home, you have to find out where they are getting in. Watch their behaviour and see where they are flying from.
Once you see where the entry point is, you can seal it in some way. Remember, the swarms are only around for a short period of time. Every year, there is a designated Flying Ant Day on which the swarms are likely to reach their peak. Once this is over, you shouldn’t have any more problems.
So if you are just starting to see one or two flying ants around, be prepared. The swarm could be on its way, and it is better to be prepared for it than to get caught out.