Have You Been Annoyed by Pigeons?
Pigeons – we’ve all seen them and depending on where you live, you may have been annoyed by them more than some people. Pigeons have been around for thousands of years but your concern with them may well be a lot more recent. After all, this is the time of year when pigeons will be nesting and causing hassle to homeowners who happen to have them roosting in their homes.
So what can you do about it?
Well the first step is to realise you have a problem. You’ll find it fairly easy to spot them. It is quite common to see them on your roof during the day and in the surrounding area. You might also hear them with their distinctive cooing sound. If all these signs are present at home, there is a good chance you have a nest somewhere on your property. The other obvious sign is pigeon mess everywhere. This certainly doesn’t make your property look particularly appealing.
While pigeons can breeds throughout the year, it is more common for them to breed in significant numbers during the spring and summer months. As such, this is the time of year when you are likely to see more of them. This holds true wherever you live, from Scotland down to the south of England.
The main thing to remember if you do suspect you have a pigeon nest on your property is not to panic. You should however prevent them from having any chance of getting further into your property than they already are. For example, if they are nesting near any windows, make sure you keep those windows closed at all times. It might be frustrating but it is the easiest way to ensure you don’t come home to find pigeons in your bedroom!
You might also want to put Vaseline or something similar around your windows to prevent any mites from coming in. These can bite although they don’t present any major health problem. You will probably want to prevent bites though, particularly if you have children sleeping in that room.
There are only a very few reasons why pigeons may be culled. There are laws pertaining to this in the UK so you need to be sure you do not contravene them in any way. If you need any advice about a pigeon’s nest on your property, it is always better to seek that advice from experts.