Is It Too Early for Flea Infestations?
We have been enjoying an unseasonably warm end to February in the last few days. It is difficult to recall that at this time last year, the so-called Beast from the East had swathed huge parts of the UK in deep snow, with temperatures barely climbing above freezing for many days.
With that recent memory still at the back of our minds, it does seem strange that we should be enjoying our gardens already. The nights may still be cold, but the days are warm and filled with sunshine. An early spring, perhaps?
Beware fleas
Of course, for those of us with pets, the warmer weather brings with it a greater risk of flea infestations. Fleas are hardy little creatures and can cause problems throughout even the colder months. However, we cannot deny most of the problematic flea infestations do occur during the warmer months. Our pets do love to spend more time outdoors when it’s warm, so there is a greater chance they’ll unwittingly bring those fleas back inside with them.
Regular treatments can prevent infestations from occurring
Some pet owners only treat their pets when signs of an infestation are seen. This is not the way to go about it. The best course of action is to purchase a recommended flea treatment from your vet and to use it when instructed. Each dose protects your pet for the time indicated, usually a month. A repeat treatment keeps them ‘topped up’.
What do you do if you already have fleas in your home?
Any fleas living on your pet will lay eggs that are deposited inside your home. This will likely occur anywhere your pet walks or sleeps. Your bed, the pet’s bedding, the carpets, the sofa… you get the idea.
Regular vacuuming will help remove any eggs that might be present. You should also wash your pet’s bedding regularly, and anything else they might sit on or use. However, if the infestation is out of control, the best course of action is likely going to involve a professional pest controller. They will know where the fleas are likely to hide and how to treat your entire home to get rid of them and their eggs.
If this treatment is required, do make sure you treat your pet regularly from now on to prevent an infestation from occurring again in the future. Prevention is always the best route to take with fleas.