Mole control in Perth & Kinross, Dundee and Fife
Two of our five-strong mole pest control team in Perth & Kinross, Dundee and Fife: Andy Law and James Law – and helpers!
Mole control in Perth & Kinross, Dundee and Fife makes for busy work for us at this time of year because moles in lawns and fields and moles in golf courses and playing fields pop up all over. Moles are present all year-round, but their molehills start to appear from September and the moles really get active from winter onwards. That is why just a few molehills in October and November can change to a full-blown mole infestation in January, with many molehills and a lot of soil ruining the ground surface and damaging newly sown fields. It is always better to get rid of moles when the first signs appear rather than leaving the mole problem to get worse very quickly.
Moles eat earthworms especially, and to find these they dig hundreds of metres of mole runs at different levels beneath the surface of the ground. These are permanent and can be used by several generations of moles. This is why mole problems in fields and molehills in lawns will happen again and again. Finding these many mole runs is part of the old, country skill of mole control and mole trapping and mole gassing to get rid of moles.
Using the right equipment is important for getting rid of moles successfully too. We use three different types of mole traps, well-made for effective use and a high catch rate, and have all the equipment we need for mole control in lawns through to mole control in farmland over large areas. We have caught 40 moles in one field in one visit using these traps for mole control in Auchterarder in Perth and Kinross and once caught 90 moles in one visit for mole control in Dundee at a golf course.
We also use gassing for mole pest control. Getting rid of moles using gas can be very effective in problem spots where mole trapping is more difficult. We have one customer where we use gassing for mole control in Fife in the horse paddocks because it has proved to be the best method for pest mole control in Cupar at that particular ground. We are certified legally to purchase, store and use the poison gas.
Call the mole control experts for professional and experienced mole pest control and for a quote for mole pest control or a survey for larger areas.