Problems with Pesky Pigeons
Pigeons are arguably one of the best-known and most-recognised birds in the UK. We don’t view them with joy though, unlike robins and other more appealing birds. Instead, we view them as messy and disruptive birds – especially if they happen to like nesting in our properties.
Pigeons have an in-built homing instinct. That means if a number of pigeons are born in the nest that just so happens to be in the roof of your home, they will always return there. They recognise it as their home and they will return as long as they are able to. If you don’t do anything to deter them from doing this, you will end up with pigeons in your roof for the foreseeable future.
How can you get rid of them?
The first thing to consider is whether your property is providing them with a source of food. Think about it: If you had a source of free food, you’d hardly up sticks and move elsewhere, would you? Pigeons think in the exact same way. So make sure you put all waste in a proper dustbin so pigeons can’t access it. Even if you wrap stuff really well, leaving it outside in nothing but a bin bag may not be enough to deter them.
You also have to figure out where they are nesting (this is usually very easy) and prevent them from accessing it. It sounds harsh, but this will ensure they go elsewhere to find a suitable home. If you don’t do this, you will have a pigeon problem for years to come.
Take away easy access to all possible nesting sites
A professional pest removal service can identify all potential nesting sites and provide advice on how to restrict the birds’ access to them. Pigeon netting can help make sure no birds can get inside your roof space by getting in under the tiles where they meet the guttering. This is more complex than it sounds, which is why calling an expert to handle the job for you will ensure it is done properly. Additionally, it is important to make sure all the birds have been removed from the space before blocking access to it, for obvious reasons.
You might also have to install barriers on any window ledges you have on your property that are big enough to allow nests to be formed. Again, professional advice will help identify every solution you can use.