Rat droppings in Perth
There are so many rats in Perth at the moment that we find rat droppings scattered on the public pavements – can you see them in the pink marker rings? This is a clean and tidy walkway with little to attract the rats, but still the signs of rats are there. See rats out in the open in Glasgow too.
It is not just in Perth & Kinross that businesses need rat control to get rid of rats. The rat population has risen steeply this year in Dundee, Cupar, Dunfermline, Pitlochry and other towns and cities.
Why has the rat population risen? Covid lock-downs let rats thrive and cause rat infestations in empty premises in town centres and also forced rats to invade more areas and buildings for food when food businesses were closed. The heat wave this summer accelerated their breeding too.
Also, every town centre will have a river or waterway and underground burns. Rats live along these because they need to be near a water source to survive. For example, the lades in Perth have lots of rats along them and, because the lades run right alongside the city streets, it is easy to get rat infestations in business premises and shops n Perth.
Recent bin strikes have not helped either, leaving piles of rubbish and food on the streets for rats to feast on, as reported in Dundee.
Professional rat pest control to get rid of rats for business, commercial premises and shops in Dundee, Perth & Kinross, Cupar, Pitlochry , Fife and Dunfermline is vital. This is because rats cause a lot of damage and commercial loss by chewing. They chew and spoil stored goods, cause floods by chewing through water pipes and set off alarms and cause electrical malfunctions by damaging electric cables. They also spread disease and contamination which makes food unfit for human consumption and is a risk to the health of workers and customers of a business. This is very important for rat control for food businesses as a rat infestation could force immediate closure, but no customer of any business wants to see rats or rat droppings when they visit. A furniture business in Perth needed rat control earlier this year when customers window-shopping in the evening, when the store was closed, reported seeing rats running across the floor and climbing over the chairs and settees: not quite the window display that the business owner had in mind!
And then there are the problems of bad smells and fly infestations from dead rats in rat infestations. Most rats die within a year, so having rat infestation with a lot of rats around means that you will get a lot of dead rats. A dead rat absolutely stinks due to the rotting process of the large body, and this smell can persist for over a week. This can be bad enough to force a business to close until the smell is gone. Dead rats cause fly infestations too. It is possible to come in to your premises one morning and find hundreds of filthy blow flies at the windows and in the rooms. We provide rat pest control and fly pest control to remove bad smells , search for and remove dead rat bodies and get rid of and control fly infestations in Perth & Kinross, Dundee, Cupar, Dunfermline, Fife and Pitlochry.
Rat-proofing and environmental management can help prevent rat problems. Unfortunately, rats live in sewers and drains and can get inside from beneath buildings which can be hard to access for rat-proofing. They move along rows of buildings too, from business to business, running under floors, over ceilings and through roof spaces which, again, makes it hard to keep rats out. We offer rat pest proofing and advice on rat-proofing and environmental management to get rid of rats in Perth, & Kinross, Dundee, Cupar, Dunfermline, Fife and Pitlochry. Get in touch with us for advice or help with professional rat pest control, to get rid of rats and rat proofing and pest proofing.