Snow Falling at Your Scottish Home? Watch Out for Mice
Snow can cause problems during the winter months, especially if you are not well-prepared for it. Anyone living in Scotland is likely to be better-prepared than anyone living further south, purely because snow is a much more likely proposition in the north.
But do your preparations include watching out for mice taking shelter in or near your home?
The last thing you’d expect to have a problem with after a fresh fall of snow is mice. Yet they like to shelter from colder, wetter weather, just as we do. And the months between September and March are the prime time for them to do just that. Since our homes offer the warmth and shelter they need, they can cause huge problems in some cases.
This is why it makes sense to reduce the odds of being plagued with mice in the first place if you can. Make sure any outside bins have close-fitting lids, and there is no food or scraps anywhere near your property. This can attract mice, and once they know there is a possible food source to take advantage of, they won’t want to go anywhere else.
It is also a good idea to seal up any gaps they could use to get into your property. Don’t think of mouse-sized gaps either – they can squash themselves almost completely flat to get through the tiniest of gaps. It is quite frightening to see how easily they can gain access to somewhere warm and dry – especially if it has a nice food source for them to use as well.
If in doubt, you should call in a pest expert who has extensive experience of getting rid of mice in all manner of properties throughout Scotland. They will know which areas to look at, as well as the likely entrance points and attractions the mice will go for at various times of the year.
We all understand the idea of protecting our properties for the winter months. Protecting them against vermin is just as important as making sure no water can get in via cracks or loose window frames. Just as you may need help with the latter, so you may also need some help and advice with regard to a mouse problem. In fact, even if you suspect you might have mice, it’s well worth getting some professional advice on how to get rid of them.