Solar Panel Bird Proofing
We installed more solar panel bird proofing this week to stop birds nesting under solar panels and causing mess on the roof – can you see the dark filth pouring out of the customer’s gutter in the picture? It is pest pigeons that normally cause the problem because they nest and roost in the shelter underneath the panels. Pigeons produce huge amounts of dirty droppings though, along with feathers and dead birds and chicks. This debris builds up under the solar panels and blocks up gutters and downpipes causing damage and damp areas – the gutter in the picture was completely blocked up.
Pigeons tend to colonise roofs that they have started nesting on: their young stay on the roof to nest and breed and other pigeons from roundabout get attracted to the roof too, so a pigeon problem will only get worse. The pigeon problem on this customer’s roof was less than 2 years old but all that mess had accumulated in that time, and the pigeons themselves had become a real nuisance by sitting around on the roof all day and getting the ground round the house all dirty with droppings. No wonder our customer asked us to install our solar panel bird proofing kit.
Before we install our solar panel bird exclusion kit we have to get the birds and mess out from under the solar panels, then we fit the solar panel bird protection and finally we clean out the gutters – a very dirty job! It is a professionally installed and permanent solution though to stop birds nesting under solar panels and a very worthwhile investment in the longer term.
How much does it cost to pigeon proof solar panels? Each problem is different – the height of the roof, number of pigeons, amount of mess and layout of panels vary – and so we give a written, fixed price quote for each customer wanting solar panel bird mesh. If you would like to find out how much bird proofing solar panels cost then please ring or email us for a quote – there’s no obligation!