The Importance of Pest Control in Farming
Exciting week this week – we were interviewed on national BBC radio about the importance of pest control in farming. We got a chance to explain our pest control work on farms on Farming Today on BBC Radio 4 on Monday. This programme goes out at 5:45am and we were on right at the beginning. We didn’t get up especially for it though as we recorded the interview the week before: many thanks to Sandy and Graham Cameron at Wester Bonhard for allowing the BBC reporter on to their steading to do the interview there.
Rat and mice are the most harmful vermin at any type of farm or agricultural business due to the damage they can do, the diseases they carry and the economic loss they can cause. Getting a professional pest control service in makes sure rats and mice are kept to a minimum all year-round. We can make sure too that your pest control meets the raised standards that the law, Farm Assurance Schemes and supermarket audits demand now, and supply Environmental Risk Assessments and Certificates of Competence in the Use of Rodenticides.
Mole control, rabbit control and stored product insects were mentioned too in the interview – we don’t just check bait boxes every day! Again, raised standards and extra qualifications in the use of poison gas (aluminium phosphide) make it more difficult for farmers to do this kind of work themselves. We’ve had great success with mole gassing and trapping this year and saved a lot of grass parks from looking like a building site due to molehills: well worth getting a professional mole control service in.
So, next time you’ve got a pest problem, call us and get the professionals in!