Warmer Weather is On the Way… and So Are the Fleas
If you have a cat or dog, chances are they have been snuggled up indoors for much of the winter. While they do venture out sometimes, and dogs head out for their daily walks, they love nothing better than being tucked up indoors with their owners. This is particularly true if a warm lap happens to be nearby.
But when the weather starts to improve, as it should hopefully do soon, they will enjoy heading out to explore their territory again. And since they are outdoors more often, this will bring them into contact with fleas more often, too.
Fleas are the bane of any pet owner. It’s important to make sure you treat your pet regularly, whether you have a cat or a dog. There are plenty of treatments on the market, but it is advisable (and strongly recommended) to seek a good flea treatment given on prescription from your vet. Just as you can’t buy strong medicines without the say-so of your GP, you cannot buy strong and effective flea treatments without the approval of your vet, either.
As fleas become more prevalent in the warmer months, there is an increased chance your pet will bring them in from outdoors. This may still happen if they are treated, but effective treatments ensure fleas are paralysed and begin to die as soon as they land on your pet. That means even if you see the odd flea, you don’t have to worry about a major infestation occurring.
However, if you are unlucky and your pet does bring fleas into your home, you’ll know very soon this has happened. You may have small red bites around your ankles, for instance, since fleas can’t jump much higher than this. You might also see fleas on your pet – a process made easier if they are light-coloured.
Just as you would seek advice for fleas from your vet, so it makes sense to seek advice from us about a possible flea infestation in your home, too. While you can eradicate a small number of fleas from a confined area, you may find it impossible to get rid of them entirely if the infestation is a bad one. Getting professional help and advice is imperative in this instance.
Of course, with proper and regular treatment of your pet, you will hopefully go through spring and summer without too many problems.