Watch Out for Mice After Snowfall
There’s something captivating and fascinating about watching it snow – especially when you’re tucked up in the warm and watching it out of the window. However, we’re not the only ones to seek warmth and shelter when the snow starts to fall across Scotland. Mice do the same thing, and you can hardly blame them.
Unfortunately, they might choose your home to live in. So, if you haven’t yet seen them and you want to make sure they cannot get in, now is the time to assess the exterior of your home for any possible entry points. And you might want to take a pencil with you to do so.
Why a pencil? Simple – a mouse can get through any hole or gap you can put a pencil in. They’re capable of squashing themselves almost flat to get under doors, for example, so use that pencil to identify any gaps they might go for. Without it, you might overlook a gap thinking they wouldn’t be able to use it, when the opposite is true. Steel wool is the best thing to use for plugging holes and gaps. Set it in place by using caulk or filler. The rule of thumb is if in doubt, plug the hole.
You might think you should be setting traps and trying to catch the mice if you’ve seen evidence they are already inside your house. However, you want to make sure no others can get in or out first. Additionally, if mice are only coming into your home at night, you could seal up your property quickly and easily and never have another problem if you do it during the day.
If you’ve spotted droppings or other evidence that mice are close, such as grease marks along the bottom of skirting boards or walls, clear these up and then watch to see if new ones appear. Once your property is secure and mice can’t get in, you will see if you have existing ones you need to get rid of.
Of course, this is the hard part for many people. It’s why most prefer to contact a professional pest control company to handle it for them. So, since winter is on the way and the first signs of snow have already appeared in parts of Scotland, make sure you do everything you can to ward off the mice that are looking to get inside your home.