When October Arrives, So Do the Molehills
Certain times of the year involve specific pests coming to the fore. Sometimes it can seem as though you’ve just got rid of one when another comes along to take its place.
From October onwards for example, you may suddenly start spotting little mounds of earth appearing on your lawn where before there were none. It won’t take long to realise these are molehills, formed as the moles dig their tunnels. They have to get rid of the soil somehow, so they push it up and out to get rid of it. Good for them, but not so good for you – or your lawn.
Once you get moles on your property you could well end up with a series of molehills too. Moles are capable of digging out a tunnel up to 15 feet long in just one hour. That’s 15 feet of earth to get rid of, and the only way out is up.
So what do you do to get rid of them?
Most people would rather not kill the moles. After all, they’re not really doing any harm other than ruining your lawn. Furthermore if you do manage to get rid of one or two, there are probably others nearby – perhaps right beneath your feet – to take their place.
Since the molehills are unsightly, the best way to get rid of them is to get rid of the soil. You may notice it is of excellent quality since the moles have dug through it and prepared it for you. It looks rather like good-quality compost, so why not use it as such? If you look at your mole problem in this way, you might actually become glad to see a few fresh molehills dotted about!
If you would rather be rid of the moles altogether, you should call in an expert to take a humane approach to making this happen. Deterrents can be put in place that emit a sonic signal moles hate, but which humans cannot hear. Using a professional mole catcher will ensure the job is done quickly and effectively, and in the most humane manner. This is the only way to ensure your lawn remains molehill-free and doesn’t become the site of a fresh batch of molehills every October. Consider how you’d like to resolve the problem of moles in your garden and then find someone to help.